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287-293 New North Road | London | N1 7AA

Website Disclaimer

By visiting this website you agree to accept the terms of use set out below. Please be aware that these may change at any time without notice.

Terms of use

This website is maintained by New North Health Centre. While we try to ensure the information is accurate and up-to-date New North Health Centre provides no guarantee of this. New North Health Centre accepts no liability for any inaccuracies.

We reserve the right to change the content or format of any page of the site without notice.

New North Health Centre is not responsible for the content of any external websites to which this site provides links.

CPRD and Research

We are a research practice. We contribute anonymous information for research purposes via CPRD. You can find out more on how CPRD uses your data on their website: https://www.cprd.com/public

Patient Access to GP Records

We will be working closely within our guidelines and contractual requirements with both organisations and the LMC to ensure that clinical records are released safely to patients. We will routinely ask for ID verification when patients request access to Online Services and/or their medical records.