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287-293 New North Road | London | N1 7AA

Cost of Living Help: Islington

Help to access affordable food

There are also services available in Islington to help accessing affordable food.

On the Islington Council website there is a list of services in the borough providing free or low cost food – Find Your Islington | Free or Low Cost Food in Islington (support to find local services can also be accessed by calling the ‘We Are Islington Team’ on 020 7527 8222).

Families with children under 4 years old receiving income support may be eligible for weekly Healthy Start food vouchers. You can find out more about Healthy Start and check if you are eligible online – Get help to buy food and milk (Healthy Start)

Islington Council

The council’s website is a good source for the wide range of support Islington provides. You can also approach them via telephone or email.

Information just for council tenants:

If your team have particular concerns about some of the residents you support you can contact [email protected]. Below is the contact information for vulnerable residents to use: ‘Residents with particular needs, such as those who are bed ridden or who have impaired mobility, will find the reduction in heating harder and we have therefore taken steps to provide additional assistance to our vulnerable tenants. Anyone who has concerns about the wellbeing of their neighbour can contact Tenancy Services on 0207 527 5300 or [email protected] stating the address of the person in question, and we will arrange a welfare visit.’

There are a few initiatives in Islington which could benefit those who are struggling through the Cost of Living crisis. We have collected some here. You can download the PDF version by clicking on the following link:

We have put together resources for those who maybe struggling during these difficult times. The following is only a highlight and we will be updating our website with more information.


AgeUK is not just for “old people”. You can approach them with many queries and they will be able to signpost you. They offer help for anyone age 16 and over, including carers:

Help on Your Doorstep

Help on Your Doorstep have a long history within Islington, providing factual information to residents on their options and choices they have.

Manor Gardens Welfare Trust

Islington Food Partnership includes groups of VCFS organisations that are now offering food banks, food hubs, food co-operatives etc Home – Islington Food Partnership


Influenza: if you are eligible (over 65 or over 18 with a risk condition), you can get your vaccine from your GP surgery. If you are not registered, you can ask a pharmacy.

Covid-19: You can visit the government website at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/how-to-get-a-coronavirus-vaccine/ for booking your appointment. Alternatively, you can choose from local options, such as walk-in clinics. Find out more at : https://www.islington.gov.uk/social-care-and-health/coronavirus-covid-19/covid-vaccinations

Mayor of London

Find out what the Mayor of London is doing to help: https://www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/communities/help-cost-living/what-mayor-doing-cost-living

A wealth of information on housing and food, including school meals help.

CPRD and Research

We are a research practice. We contribute anonymous information for research purposes via CPRD. You can find out more on how CPRD uses your data on their website: https://www.cprd.com/public

Private Fees

Our private fees follow BMA guidance and are available on request. Please note that we all requests are dealt with in a timely manner, within 1 calendar month from the date of request. This is to enable us to manage our workload as we are a busy GP practice.