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Latest news from Carers UK

The State of Caring Report 2022 highlights:

  • 1% of carers haven’t taken a break from their caring role in last year.
  • Half of all carers took over a year to recognise their caring role, with over a third taking over three years to recognise they are a carer.
  • 75% of carers worry about continuing to juggle work and care.
  • Carers are extremely worried about the future: 61% said they were uncertain about what practical support they might be able to access in the next 12 months

To make a referral

For support from Islington Carers Hub, or to refer a client, please contact them on 020 7281 3319 or email: [email protected] (Islington Carers Hub is a service run by Age UK Islington). For an NHS email address, please see details here on our website.

When you don’t need to book an appointment

Sometimes you can find help within the community or the hospitals without the need to book an appointment with a GP. We aim to collect local resources which do not require patients to have an appointment. You will find more information on our Self Referrals Page.