New North Health Centre has always put patient care at the centre of its core mission. We are always happy to help and receive feedback when you believe we could do better or if you would like to leave us a positive note about our service. Our Feedback Leaflet explains the process on the feedback/complaint process and you can provide feedback on our Feedback Form.
- Feedback Leaflet (pdf)
- Feedback Form (pdf)
We appreciate that more and more people use social media platforms to leave comments. We often find that people share personal information on the internet which we are not able to adequately comment on without hurting patient confidentiality. We recommend that people should also be mindful what personal information/data they share about themselves or their friends/family as we do not have the authority or tools to manage these third-party sites. We do not actively monitor and respond to comments on social media for these reasons.
We are actively recruiting to our PPG (Patient Participation Group) meetings and if you would like to know more or join, please fill in our PPG Application and return it to the practice manager.
Advocacy Support
- POhWER: support centre can be contacted via 0300 456 2370
- Advocacy People: gives advocacy support on 0330 440 9000
- Age UK: on 0800 055 6112
- Local Council can give advice on local advocacy services
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint from either NHS England or this organisation then you can escalate your complaint to:
Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)
Milbank Tower
London, SW1P 4QP
Tel: 0345 015 4033
Further links
Links to our submenus: