The New North Health Centre takes all steps necessary to ensure that all patients, staff and visitors to the practice are treated with dignity and respect.
Patient services and care are offered and provided according to clinical need regardless of:
- sex
- age
- marital status
- race
- ethnicity
- disability
- sexual orientation
- religion
- belief
All Practice employment policies also operate regardless of:
- sex
- age
- marital status
- race
- ethnicity
- disability
- sexual orientation
- religion
- belief
This applies, for example, to:
- recruitment
- selection
- training
- remuneration and terms of employment
- promotion
- dismissal policies
All employees and other people who work at the Practice eg. locum GPs, attached staff, temporary staff and contractors are bound by the Practice’s Equal Opportunities policy and unfair discrimination against patients, staff or visitors will be considered a disciplinary offence.