NHS logo on blue background

287-293 New North Road | London | N1 7AA



Most interactions happen via telephone. Please ensure that we have your correct telephone number on our records. You can update this via Online Services like the NHS App.

We often use text messaging to get in touch with our patients, such as asking for health information or letting you know about our services, such as the flu clinic.

Face To Face

Our practice is open as usual, however, appointments are triaged by a doctor first to establish the need for face-to-face consultations. Some services can only be delivered in-person and will still require you to attend the practice. While the vast majority of our patients are amazing, we do occasionally receive abusive remarks. Please bear in mind that we operate a zero tolerance policy on abuse.


When registering with a GP practice we assume that by providing a telephone number/address, you give us consent to contact you about your health and our services. UK GPDR Law prefers explicit consent. You can change your consent settings via a health access app, such as the NHS App or by contacting the practice. We might approach you to request this information directly.

Please keep in mind that if you explicitly withdraw consent from us to contact you, we will not be able to look after your health as effectively.

Our Practice Notice

We also work together with care coordinators, social prescribing link workers and other ARRS staff members within our PCN