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287-293 New North Road | London | N1 7AA

Islington GP Federation

Islington GP Federation (IGPF) exists to ensure Islington residents get free and equal access to good, safe and cost effective primary care, both now and well into the future. It is owned by Islington GP practices who want to protect the best of general practice. Its talented clinical and operational teams share a passion for improving local health and social care. We believe that working together with other providers is the key to transforming the NHS. We are proud of our existing partnerships, including with Whittington Health NHS Trust, Age UK Islington, Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust and Federated4Health Limited. Our ethos is to be open, fair and collegiate.

New North Health Centre is proud to be part of IGPF.

You can find out more about what they do here: https://www.islingtongpfederation.org/what-we-do

CPRD and Research

We are a research practice. We contribute anonymous information for research purposes via CPRD. You can find out more on how CPRD uses your data on their website: https://www.cprd.com/public

Private Fees

Our private fees follow BMA guidance and are available on request. Please note that we all requests are dealt with in a timely manner, within 1 calendar month from the date of request. This is to enable us to manage our workload as we are a busy GP practice.