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287-293 New North Road | London | N1 7AA

Long Term Conditions

If you have certain long-term conditions (conditions which impact over a long period of time such as diabetes and heart diseases), you will be offered and encouraged to attend a Yearly Health Check to better care for your health. We will work with you to improve your health by considering what matters to you. We will consider your individual needs and preferences as well as best practice for your long-term condition. Our goals are that patients with long term conditions manage their health with confidence, reduce the risk of being admitted to hospital, and have a better quality of life.

If this is for you, we will contact you via text, phone call, or letter to organise your appointments. We will contact patients over the year so please do not worry if you do not hear from us right away.

Who is this for?

Initially, we will cover nine long-term conditions:

  • Cardiovascular disease (for example, strokes, health failure, ischaemic heart disease, and peripheral artery disease)
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension (High blood pressure)
  • Hyperlipidaemia (High cholesterol)
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

In the future, we will look to expand this to cover more long-term conditions.

CPRD and Research

We are a research practice. We contribute anonymous information for research purposes via CPRD. You can find out more on how CPRD uses your data on their website: https://www.cprd.com/public

Private Fees

Our private fees follow BMA guidance and are available on request. Please note that we all requests are dealt with in a timely manner, within 1 calendar month from the date of request. This is to enable us to manage our workload as we are a busy GP practice.