NHS logo on blue background

287-293 New North Road | London | N1 7AA

Non NHS Fees / Private Fees

Most services offered by the Surgery are free under the terms of the NHS. Some services are not covered by the NHS and for these your GP, like other professionals, can charge a private fee. The fee will reflect both the Clinician’s time and professional opinion. It may also include the cost of nursing or secretarial support, stationery and consumables.

A Clinician may only sign what they know to be factually correct, otherwise his/her professional registration may be compromised. In order to complete the simplest of forms the Clinician may have to check the entire medical record and may not have the appropriate information to hand.

Non NHS services include

  • Providing copies of health records
  • Producing medical reports for insurance companies
  • Filling in and signing insurance forms for:
    • Private health care
    • Cancelled holiday forms
    • Driving medical examinations and reports (this service is unavailable at present)
    • Fit to fly
    • Take part in sporting activity forms
  • Some travel vaccinations

All non NHS work is carried out at the discretion of the clinician and you may have to wait a few days for completion as time spent completing forms and preparing reports takes the Clinician away from the medical care of his/her patient.

Please enquire about fees at the time of request and be prepared to pay the appropriate fee upon completion.

CPRD and Research

We are a research practice. We contribute anonymous information for research purposes via CPRD. You can find out more on how CPRD uses your data on their website: https://www.cprd.com/public

Private Fees

Our private fees follow BMA guidance and are available on request. Please note that we all requests are dealt with in a timely manner, within 1 calendar month from the date of request. This is to enable us to manage our workload as we are a busy GP practice.